Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys

La locandina del film Puppet Master vs Demonic ToysTitolo Originale:
Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys

Regia di:
Ted Nicolaou

Soggetto e Sceneggiatura di:
David S. Goyer, C. Courtney Joyner, David Schmoeller, Ted Nicolaou

Attori protagonisti:
Corey Feldman, Vanessa Angel, Danielle Keaton, Silvia Suvadova, Nikolai Sotirov

Direttore della Fotografia:
David Worth

Montaggio di:
Terry Kelley

Colonna Sonora di:
Peter Bernstein




Riassunto della Trama:
Robert Toulon and his daughter Alex have discovered a brought back the puppets of Robert's ancestor. But when Christmas draws near Sharpe Industries ceo Erica Sharpe has made a deal with a demon named Bael. They bring forth a number of vicious killer toys to get the mysterious Secret of Life from Robert Toulon. When the puppets are unable to defeat them, the toys rain supreme, until that is the new Puppet Master repairs four of the puppets into new Cyber Mechanic defenders willing to rage war against their stringless counterparts.

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