Pulse 3 - Invasion

La locandina del film Pulse 3 - InvasionTitolo Originale:
Pulse 3: Invasion

Regia di:
Joel Soisson

Soggetto e Sceneggiatura di:
Joel Soisson

Attori protagonisti:
Noureen DeWulf, Rider Strong, Lynn Blackburn, Jackie Arnold, Brittany Renee Finamore, Georgina Rylance, Laura Cayouette

Direttore della Fotografia:
Brandon Trost

Montaggio di:
Kirk M. Morri

Colonna Sonora di:
Elia Cmiral




Riassunto della Trama:
It is now seven years later and the survivors on Earth have settled into a primitive lifestyle completely void of electronics. The clusters of human survivors live together in refugee camps as the phantoms have taken over the cities. Justine is now a teenager and she escapes to the city to try and make a life for herself where she is not a drain on her adopted family (her parents both became phantoms in part one). She heads in to the city at the urging of Adam, a seeming survivor in the city that lures her with promises of understanding and friendship.

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